Friday, October 24, 2008

Things I must get done, and fast!!

Well before I leave for Africa, I have so much stuff to do. There is a million and one pages of info that i have to fill out for the Peace Corps along with everything to get ready to leave the US for two years.

Finish my Resume and aspiration papers
Fill out all legal and insurance papers
Hand over POA to my mom
Shop for all survival stuff
Find a few good books to take
Pick up my new glasses (yep no contact in Africa)
Visit as many people as possible
Make some flight reservations (once i get more info)
Cancel gym membership
Pack up my room and convert it into a guest bedroom
Clean out and back up my computer
Print a billion photos to take with me
Re-learn French (I'm moving to a french speaking country and i haven't spoken french in three months)

Oh and I'm sure there are tons of other things I'm missing but I can't wait. Everything will be crazy heck tic right up until the day I leave, I'm sure. Only 37 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tim said...

I hope that you have fun!

Unknown said...

Grnadma and I know you will do well on your new adventure and our thoughts and prayers go with you.