Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hammock Study Time

When i was back in America i wanted to look for a hammock. I spend a lot of time reading and a nice hammock under a shaddy tree would be nice i thought. Well i just simply ran out of time to look in America, but i knew Mark had one that was made in Guinea. I thought maybe i could find someone who could use his as a model and make me one here.

Mark and I drag his hammock down to the people who weave thick plastic rope to medal frames to make chairs. I thought its the same idea and they should be able to make it. Well they loved the hammock but said there is no way they can make it. BOO, i really wanted my hammock!

After the disapointing meeting with the chair weavers we had to go to the market and get some stuff. Mark was talking to some Malien guy and ended up asking about hammock. And the guy knew where they sold them in the market. The nice man, i think his name was Coulibally, went and got two differnt types of hammocks to show us while we sat under his hanger filled with childrens clothing. I ended up getting a hammock from him for about 4,000 CFA or $8.oo, found some nice thick rope and took it home to hang.

On my balcony, the hammock is entirly shaded from the sun by two large mango trees creating a nice, relaxing area. Since i have recently decided that I will be taking the GRE soon i have designated this hammock as my study hammock. I hope using the hammock as motivation to study will increase my GRE score so i can get into a good school, find a good job and retire by 40. I have high hopes for this hammock i think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm taking the GRE soon and have just started studying. The vocabulary is INSANE!!!! -Lori